Meeting Notes 11/2/12

Meeting Type: Group Meeting


Advisor(s): None

Members: Alex, Sondra, Darryl, Greg, Stuart, Jeremy, Santi,

Excused: Kyle (graduate conference)

Action Items

  1. Send out email about meeting to all people on the contacts list. I still need to figure out what to do about the sophomores who will never be able to make it. Any ideas?

  2. Darryl, Greg and the top-level team need to start making more progress. If they can come up with a detailed pseudo-code, that would be great. Darryl should see if Ivan can help. His contact info is on the Google Docs spreadsheet.

  3. You, Stuart, and Santi should try to get OpenCV installed. Try to do it with Stuart and Santi present.

  4. Alex should try to troubleshoot the PWM. notes from the Dr. Clark meeting are on Dropbox and might be of use. Suggestions: switching the power supply, hooking Arduino up to oscilloscope and measuring output at different duties.

  5. Try to get people to finish up the sponsorship flyer. I’ll look at it to. If you look at it and think it’s done, get Darryl to send it out.

Meeting Topics

Important Notes

Transcript (Notes)


Group Notes